After growing up in Utah, I wanted to become a licensed cosmetologist, I went to college in St. George and after 2,000 long hours and hard work, I am now a licensed cosmetologist. A few short months later, I decided to serve a full time mission for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I got called to serve the people of Puebla Mexico.
At a young age I fell in love with the art of singing. It wasn't always easy but it taught me never to give up because the more I pushed myself, the better I became.
Two years ago I came to a crossroads in my life and it was a big wakeup call for me. In this moment I felt the hand of God guide me to the genre of gospel music and I have never been so happy connecting spiritual words to music.
For those looking to experience this for themselves, I invite you to open your heart and let God in. That his Holy Spirit will be with you through your music. Let Him flow through you and experience the beauty of his love.
I have been blessed to travel to many neat areas of the world and have met many more amazing people during my travels and throughout all of this my most favorite place in the world is home. Remember home is where the heart is and family is what it's all about.
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"Always remember that God created you exactly how he wanted you to be, and you are absolutely magnificent in his eyes. Never let anybody take your power from you and make you feel less than your creation."
Karlie Gayle